Ramsey Hall

Metal Benders Jewelry Gallery


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at work

Ramsey at her bench.






I have always been interested in art; thus, as a student I began experimenting with all the classes that were accessible to me--painting, silk screening, graphic design, pottery, printmaking, etc. Finally, with my first jewelry class in New Mexico, I found a communion of some sort with metal and the torch that I had never experienced before, which continues to enamor me.

Today, my work is produced in my studio in Murfreesboro, TN, where I continually experiment with old and new techniques to create unique objects of wearable art. Most of my jewelry focuses on mixed-metal pieces consisting of silver, gold and copper, and semi-precious stones. I create an original line of jewelry along with one-of-a-kind pieces which I sell throughout the southeast at fine crafts fairs and galleries.












314-A De La Mare Ave Fairhope Alabama 251 928 5858